AMC Business Connections




Army Materiel Command actively seeks collaboration and partnership with industry to more efficiently and effectively deploy, equip and sustain Soldiers around the globe. AMC works with industry through a range of partnering mechanisms in a way that grants flexibility to pursue cost-effective solutions. AMC seeks an active and ongoing dialogue with its current and potential contractors and partners. The following resources provide information on partnering with AMC.




Public-Private Partnerships

AMC's Public-Private Partnerships (P3) is an innovative approach that has helped the Army preserve its Organic Industrial Base (OIB) and reduce costs while sustaining critical skill sets in the workforce.

Partnering has a range of possibilities which include Army installations providing articles and/or services to industry, industry leasing equipment and/or facilities to perform work for either the public or private sector, work-sharing arrangements and teaming arrangements where the installation and industry jointly contract with a program manager. Partnering is a cooperative effort, not a competitive engagement.

Nested with the Army’s most significant modernization effort in 40 years, AMC is executing a 15-year (FY24-38), $18.1 billion OIB Modernization Implementation Plan focused on 5 Lines of Effort: Facilities and Infrastructure; Tooling and Processes; Workforce; Network and Cyber; and Energy and Environment. Watch this video to learn more: Organic Industrial Base Modernization Overview

The Army's industrial capabilities and capacities should make an attractive partner.

For more information on which Army installations could best suit your specific needs:

For more information contact:
Phone: 256.450.7808
U.S. Army Materiel Command
4400 Martin Road
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000





Office of Small Business Programs

The Army Materiel Command Office of Small Business Programs provides information and resources necessary for small businesses to become eligible to conduct business with AMC. Tapping into small businesses provides the Army access to specialized expertise, innovation and agile solutions for the current and future force.

AMC Small Business representatives are knowledgeable and seek to ensure a fair portion of contract awards and a percentage of total U.S. business dollars are placed within specified socioeconomic programs, including:

  • Small Business
  • Historically Black Colleges, Universities and Minority Institutions
  • Historically Underutilized Business Zones Small Business
  • Veteran-Owned Small Business/Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business
  • Small Disadvantaged Business
  • Women-Owned Small Business
  • Set-Aside Contracts

For more information on small business opportunities at AMC or with one of its subordinate commands, contact the AMC Office of Small Business Programs at:
Phone: 256.450.7953
Fax: 256.450.8805





Army Contracting Command

The Army Contracting Command (ACC) and its subordinate organizations and contracting centers provide contracting support for the U.S. Army as the Army’s principal buying agent – ensuring that Soldiers have what they need to be successful, from food and clothing to bullets and bombs.

For more information on ACC’s role in creating collaboration between the U.S. Army and industry:
ACC Webpage:





The AMC Ombudsman is an advocate and liaison that strengthens communication within the business and industry communities and provides support to AMC staff elements in facilitating and creating business development activities.

AMC Ombudsman
Phone: 256.450.7808




Office of the Command Counsel

The mission of the AMC Office of the Command Counsel is to serve as a legal advisor to the AMC commanding general and members of the commander’s staff and provide legal advice to subordinate commands, installations and field activities in all legal disciplines. The office’s legal support includes:

  • Provide legal advice and assistance on systems acquisitions
  • Serve as a function chief, providing legal training as required and managed the AMC Attorney/Patent Attorney and Patent Advisor Career Program
  • Serve as initial denial authority on Freedom of Information Act requests for records concerning AMC procurements
  • Coordinate all AMC actions concerning procurement fraud and procurement irregularities and provide direction to AMC separate staff offices and subordinate activities
  • Perform planning, programming and administrative actions supporting the AMC legal system and Command Legal Organization
  • Develop, plan and coordinate all budget and fiscal matters for the Office of the Command Counsel











Resource Guide

Resource Guide

Interested in doing business with AMC?
Download our 2024 AMC Resource Guide for detailed information.

Resource Guide