Employee Resources
Equal Employment, Opportunity, and Accessibility
The mission of the Equal Employment, Opportunity, and Accessibility (EEOA) is to foster a diverse workforce and an inclusive work environment that ensures equal employment opportunity (civilian), equal opportunity (military), and SHARP through compliance with federal, Department of Defense, and Department of the Army Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Equal Opportunity (EO), and SHARP laws and guidelines. The EEOA is committed to fostering an environment free from sexual harassment and sexual assault.
To file an EEOA complaint, call: Phone: 256.876.8890 | 256.876.9223
For more information on EO, call: Phone: 256.450.6425
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command - Report a Crime
The U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) serves as the U.S. Army's primary criminal investigative organization and the Department of Defense's premier investigative organization. CID is responsible for conducting criminal investigations in which the Army is, or may be, a party of interest.
For more information on how to report a crime, contact the Army CID at: Website: www.cid.army.mil/report-a-crime.html
To submit a tip to Army CID via Internet, fill out the following form: Form: Army CID Online Tip
If you have already submitted a tip, you can follow your tip at: Login: Follow Army CID Tip
If you have information that may be of interest to U.S. Army Counterintelligence, submit an iSALUTE Suspicious Activity Report. You may also report by telephone at 1-800-CALL-SPY (1-800-225-5779) [CONUS ONLY].
To report suspicious activity, visit the iSalute website at: Website: www.inscom.army.mil/isalute
The SHARP (Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention) Program’s mission is to reduce, with an aim towards completely eliminating, sexual offenses within the Army through cultural change, prevention, intervention, investigation, accountability, advocacy/response, assessment and training to sustain the All-Volunteer Force. U.S. Army Materiel Command aims to ensure that 100 percent of its employees are trained on how sexual harassment and assault occurs and how it can be avoided. The organization hosts regular SHARP training sessions for AMC HQ employees.
For more information on AMC's SHARP program or to report an incident to AMC, contact the SHARP office.
AMC SHARP Program Manager: 256.450.7818
HQ AMC Sexual Assault Response Coordinator: 256.450.7736
Redstone Arsenal 24/7 Helpline: 256.924.0795
Department of Defense Helpline: 877.995.5247
Employee Verification
U.S. Army Materiel Command employees may email employment and/or salary information to an external organization directly from the Defense Civilian Personnel Date System (DCPDS) via secure internet.
Using a CAC or non-CAC login, log on to the DCPDS portal at https://compo.dcpds.cpms.osd.mil and follow through to the Navigator screen.
- Select the “My Biz” link.
- To begin, select the “Employment Verification” link.
- Review your Employee Information and scroll down to select the information you would like to send.
- Review the “Related Information” box on the right and then make your selection to either send Employment Information or Employment and Salary Information.
- Click in the “To” field to enter the recipient’s email address.
- Verify your email address in the “My Email” field. If your email address is blank or incorrect, enter or overwrite the email display. You can also update your work email under MyBiz > Update My Information > Profile Tab >Work Email Address.
- Click the “Continue” button.