AMC Publications


The U.S. Army Materiel Command Office of Public and Congressional Affairs is responsible for a variety of publications that highlight the activities of the workforce around the globe, how the organization and its major subordinate commands support the warfighter, and how working with partners in government, industry and academia can provide dominant land force capabilities.


Eye on AMC

Eye on AMC is a compilation of the week's news from across the U.S. Army Materiel Command. Eye on AMC is updated weekly, with the new PDF posted here each Wednesday.


Eye on AMC



Sustainment times

Sustaining the Army of 2030

The Sustainment Times is a bi-annual publication that highlights sustainment operations throughout the Army. The Army’s commitment to delivering ready combat formations enable Warfighters to complete missions and large-scale combat operations and this publication amplifies sustainment modernization efforts as we support the Army’s 2030 plan.



Sustaining the army of 2030

Sustaining the Army of 2030

America's Army finds itself in the midst of a massive transformation. We are building a multi-domain ready force that will meet its enduring responsibility as part of the Joint Force, to provide for the defense of the United States and retain its position as the globally dominant land power. That transformation, however, faces an inflection point where we must re-examine how we organize, train, and sustain our operational forces. Our global adversaries are achieving quantitative and qualitative progress that threatens our current position as the world's premier fighting force. If we fail to adapt, we risk squandering our technological advantages, marginalizing our deterrent capabilities, and jeopardizing our ability to prevail in future conflict. 

This white paper describes why we are transforming and how we will deliver the logistics, human resources, financial management, and health service support necessary to prolong endurance, extend operational reach, provide freedom of action, and prevail during joint all-domain operations. 


white paper


AMC Resource Guide - fall 2024

Resource Guide

The U.S. Army Materiel Command Resource Guide - Fall 2024 highlights the entirety of the AMC enterprise and the roles played by AMC and its subordinate commands. This magazine provides an opportunity to explore partnership opportunities and how industry can work with the Organic Industrial Base, AMC’s sustainment elements and much more.


AMC Resource Guide




PS MagazineEffective September 30, 2024, PS Magazine’s mission ended. However, access to its archive will be available for the next few years on the PS Magazine website. 

PS Magazine



AMC SharePoint

If you are looking for AMC official publications such as policy memorandums, regulations or forms, please visit the following link:


AMC SharePoint